Wednesday, September 17, 2008

You Make Your Choice And The Duplicate Finder Starts Proceeding

Computers, Software.

Duplicate finder - uncover your duplicate files - there is never too much money, too much time and too large winchester. But still the problem remains the same: a day comes when your Winchester is full to the overflowing and you have no possibility to download and to save new useful data. The hard disks become larger and larger, they now can contain volumes of information users even could not imagine five years ago.

Evidently you should go to the nearest hardware shop and to buy a new, much larger Winchester. - you will have to raven on bread and porridge and to muck about your new hard drive. So say" bye - bye" to beer, going to cinema, parties with your girlfriend( or where you were going to bring her) for the nearest month. And, you will have, by the way to reiterate this in a few months. So get ready to acquire huge stacks of DVDs - there is actually no other alternative. There is no Winchester that could store all the information you need.

Hey, wait a minute! - sometimes you may free up to half a hard disk with this operation. And what if you delete some files that became unnecessary? Sounds great, isn' t it? I think the answer is both clear and negative. But there is a small inconvenience: do you have enough time and patience to look through all those gigabytes of information on your computer manually? And it will be so in the case when we are talking about predeterminedly needless sets of information - that is to say about duplicate files.

Well, life is hard. - of course, each user has lots of them oh his( or her) hard drive but analyzing and comparing them is so boring and time - consuming process that everyone will prefer to buy several dvds or even a new winchester. I mean it WAS hard. How to achieve that? And now you have an opportunity to make it much easier and your Winchester much less filled up with information stuff that must exist only in one place - your recycle bin. The answer is Moleskinsoft Clone Remover. Installing this soft you save your money as now you will have to buy DVDs much more rarely and I even do not know when you will need a new hard drive.

This program is the best and the most convenient duplicate file finder and the most efficient duplicate file remover as well. - ok, that' s all right and what about concrete information? Why is it so good? How does this soft work? Well, let' s start from the very beginning. Done? You go to the website and download a tryout version of the soft free of charge.

Great! - the interface of the soft is user friendly and intuitive so nobody will have problems dealing with it: everything is clear even for a child. Then you quickly install it( the process of installation takes just a few seconds) and start it up. So, you started up the soft. There are five. The next stage will be the choice of a way in which it will search and find duplicate files. I would like to tell you something about each of them.

There is no matter what are their names - the program analyses their content and if it coincides, these files are identified as duplicate ones. - the first one is searching files with an identical content. With this option you can delete duplicate files no matter how they are named. The second variant is searching the duplicate mp3 files using analysis and comparison of their tags. Just imagine how much time you can save with Moleskinsoft Clone Remover acting in this way! It was always very difficult to identify the mp3 - clones because each file in this format has its own name and those names cannot be the same. Now Moleskinsoft Clone Remover does it for you looking through and comparing tag information( genre, year, artist, comments and so on and so forth) .

So you should have opened all of them manually and compare on your own to decide are they duplicate or no. - the next option is finding duplicate images that differ in formats( .bmp, .jpg etc) , resolution and caption. There is one more method of searching. Delete duplicate image files with worse parameters and free space on your Winchester! Using it, Moleskinsoft Clone Remover finds duplicate files on the basis of comparison of their name and/ or size. If you are not sure they all are stuff you may open them with some other soft or view them a built - up viewer( yes, there is such an option too! ).

When the program finishes searching it gives you a list of clones you can delete right now. - finally moleskinsoft clone remover helps you to find files with zero size and to get rid of them. Of course, you may carry out a total check up using all the five options( but bear in mind that it will take you more time) . Well, as I told you above now you should choose the way in which the program will search the clones. Done? But first Moleskinsoft Clone Remover asks you to decide what disks and folders you want to check up.

So let' s start! - if you have chosen the folders deleting files from which may be harmful for the computer( or you have decided to carry out a total examination of the winchester) the program warns you about it and asks to decide whether you still want to check up these sets of information. Now the only thing you have to do is to wait. You make your choice and the duplicate finder starts proceeding. In a few minutes( or even faster - it depends on the amount of clones on your hard drive) your will get some free space on your Winchester. It depends.

By the way, how much space will be freed with such an operation? - but i can tell you that one of the users of moleskinsoft clone remover managed to delete... 150 gb of information. The only thing he has done was using the program we were talking about. One more time: ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY GIGABYTES. And the result was equal to purchase of a new hard drive. We are sure that it will be reasonable. Now compare its price and the price of Moleskinsoft Clone Remover( license version costs$ 390 and a tryout one is free) and make your own choice.

Before I started creating this article I installed Moleskinsoft Clone Remover on my computer and started the program up. - it was searching while i was writing. And now I may download three movies and several photo albums on my Winchester. We both finished our work.

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